SizePies() '
' Resize pie charts based on sum of the slice values
' Either in relation to the diameter of the area
' Dim chtPies()
As Chart Dim
chtBiggestPie As Chart
Dim dblTotal()
As Double Dim
lngPieCount As
Long Dim
objTemp As ChartObject
Dim objWSF
As WorksheetFunction Dim
lngIndex As
Long Dim
dblArea As
Double Set
objWSF = Application.WorksheetFunction For
Each objTemp In
ActiveSheet.ChartObjects Select
Case objTemp.Chart.ChartType Case
xl3DPie, xl3DPieExploded, xlPie, xlPieExploded lngPieCount
= lngPieCount + 1 ReDim
Preserve dblTotal(lngPieCount)
As Double
Preserve chtPies(lngPieCount)
As Chart Set
chtPies(lngPieCount) = objTemp.Chart dblTotal(lngPieCount)
= objWSF.Sum(objTemp.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Values)
dblTotal(lngPieCount) > dblTotal(0)
Then dblTotal(0) = dblTotal(lngPieCount)
chtBiggestPie = chtPies(lngPieCount) End
If End
Select Next
' don't bother if only 1
chart or no data If
lngPieCount <= 1 Then
Exit Sub If
dblTotal(0) = 0 Then
Exit Sub
If Range("N4")
Then ' Size
relative to diameter For
lngIndex = 1 To lngPieCount With
chtPies(lngIndex) .ChartTitle.Text = Format$(dblTotal(lngIndex)
/ dblTotal(0), "0.0%") & " D" & Format$(dblTotal(lngIndex),
"0.0") With
.PlotArea .Width =
chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Width * (dblTotal(lngIndex) / dblTotal(0))
' center
plotarea .Left =
chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Left + _
((chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Width - .Width) / 2)
.Top = chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Top + _
((chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Height - .Height) / 2)
With End
With Next
If If
Range("N6") Then '
Size relative to area dblArea = objWSF.Pi * ((chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Width
/ 2) ^ 2) For
lngIndex = 1 To lngPieCount With
chtPies(lngIndex) .ChartTitle.Text = Format$(dblTotal(lngIndex)
/ dblTotal(0), "0.0%") & _
" A" & Format$(dblTotal(lngIndex), "0.0") With
.PlotArea .Width = (((dblArea * (dblTotal(lngIndex)
/ dblTotal(0))) / objWSF.Pi) _
^ 0.5) * 2 '
center plotarea .Left =
chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Left + _
((chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Width - .Width) / 2)
.Top = chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Top + _
((chtBiggestPie.PlotArea.Height - .Height) / 2)
With End
With Next
If End