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Re: Stacked cluster charts in PowerPoint

Approach 1
The chart is a combination of normal stacked column chart. The values in the data table have been staggered


An additional data series is used to display more usable axis labels
Add a dummy set of data for axis label.
Move the new data to the secondary axis.
Set the secondary value axis to a maximum of 2.
Enable the secondary x axis, use the chart options dialog setting it to date type.
Change the max scale value to 4.
Enable data label.
Suppress tickmark labels on the secondary x axis.
Set the secondary y axis to have value in reverse then suppress tickmarks and labels.
Delete extra legend entry
Approach 2
The chart is a normal clustered column chart with East and South data on the secondary axis.
The values in the data table have to be altered in order to make the back columns, West & North, taller than the original data would have mage them

Both examples are in this example presentation.

Created August 2004
Last updated 5th August 2014 

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